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Transform Your Lawn With Grass & Sod Installation

Eastern Grounds Landscaping provides grass and sod installation to Bowie, MD, property owners. We’ll help transform your yard into lush, green land. Our stunning sod and grass installation products ensure your lawn is created with the finest quality varieties. Eastern Grounds Landscaping offers comprehensive landscaping services, from general lawn care to snow removal services in the winter. Our experts know the best type of grass and sod products for your specific landscaping. Trust our landscaping team with all your grass and sod installation needs!

Premier Grass and Sod for Your Property 

We understand it can be challenging to determine if you want grass or sod installation. Our experts will guide you in choosing the best product for your lawn, considering specific aspects, including:


If you need a quick fix and don’t want to wait for a lush green lawn, the best choice is sod installation. Grass takes several months to reach full maturity, while sods only need about two weeks.


Sods are not susceptible to weeds, while the grass may get weeds unless it is already fully grown.


Grass installation is a perfect choice if you want a large variety of options.


Sod is installed in a few hours or days, depending on the size of the area. Grass seedlings may take weeks of labor for proper growth.


Sod installation cost is typically more than seedlings because it offers an immediate, mature yard. If you’re on a tighter budget, the grass installation cost is generally less expensive.

Grass & Sod Installation in Bowie, MD

What Type of Grass Is Used for Sod Installation?

Our landscaping team will help determine the best grass or sod for your property. We provide all species of grass that thrives in the changing Maryland climate, including:

  • Bluegrass
  • Tall Fescue
  • Perennial Ryegrass
  • Zoysia Grass
  • Creeping Red

Why Do I Need Professional Sod and Grass Installation?

Our team is proud to be Maryland’s trusted landscapers that expertly manage your property needs. Our experts know the best types of grass and sod that will thrive on your property. We’ll walk you through every step, from sod and grass installation to maintaining a gorgeous space. We have the expertise, tools, and knowledge to ensure your sod and grass installation process is flawless.

Why Choose Eastern Grounds Landscaping?

Since 1993 Eastern Grounds Landscaping has been the area’s dedicated family-owned and operated landscaping service company. We care about maintaining the health and beauty of your lawn. Our sod and grass installation services ensure your property is lush and green. We guarantee quality sod and grass products by using only the finest sods and grass seedlings. We offer market-competitive rates and guarantee a beautiful and healthy lawn.

Contact Us for Grass & Sod Installation

Eastern Grounds Landscaping is ready to transform your property with our exemplary sod and grass installation services. Our lawn care experts will help determine the best grass or sod installation product for your property. We are proud to be certified ASCA-Certified (ASCA-C) and rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau. Eastern Ground Landscaping offers comprehensive and flexible options to meet your landscaping needs. Contact us today!

Providing Premier Landscaping Services in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia