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Premier Lawn Care Services in Maryland

With our premier lawn care services, Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC will keep your residential or commercial property looking exceptional throughout the years. Maintain a beautiful yard is not always an easy task, which is why our team of lawn care specialists is here to help. We provide lawns across Maryland with tender, loving care and expertise that is second to none. From mowing to precision trimming and weed eating, our lawn care services are sure to have your yard looking great throughout every season. Our lawn care services include lawn mowing, weed eating, edging, blowing, and trimming.

large lawn with landscaping

The Benefits of Hiring Lawn Care Professionals

There are numerous benefits to hiring lawn care professionals. Below, we’ve gone into detail about some of the various benefits you can reap when you work with the professionals at Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC:

  • Avoid Accidental Damage: Never worry about over or under-watering your lawn when you hire professionals. When your lawn is in expert hands, it ensures the job will get done right the first time, and that accidental damage will be avoided.
  • Less Physical Labor: Lawn care can often be physically taxing, resulting in sore or strained muscles. When you work with professionals though, you don’t have to worry about any of that.
  • Consistent Care: When life gets busy, lawn care often takes a back seat. When you hire Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC, we’ll ensure your lawn is consistently cared for.
  • Increased Home Value: Not only does a beautiful lawn amp up your curb appeal, but it can also increase your home value.
Lawn Aeration & Overseeding in Bowie, MD

Custom Aeration and Overseeding Packages

We know how important your lawn is to you and your well being! Call us to get a Custom Aeration and Overseeding Package that’s the most accurate and comprehensive in the industry. This is something new we have developed after providing aeration and overseeding as well as sod installation services for over 20 years!

lawn fertilization

Fertilization & Weed Control

Fertilization helps create lush, green landscapes with more durability than the average lawn. For a yard or landscape to be healthy and to flourish, nutrients are needed. The professionals at Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC combine fertilization and weed control services for maximum efficiency. We use top-of-the-line products to help prevent spring weed emergence and to control pervasive weeds in the summer. We’ll set your plants up with a nutritional, weed-free foundation that is guaranteed to help them flourish and thrive without the hindrance of weeds. With our expert team, you can rest assured we’ll have your landscape happy and healthy in no time.

Lawn Mowing Services in Bowie, MD

Professional Lawn Mowing

Our professional lawn mowing services are designed to fit your unique needs. Anyone can mow a lawn, but the professionals at Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC provide highly-detailed services and customer care. We can regularly mow your property when it best suits your needs and schedule. You can rely on us to show up at the same time on the same day every week when we are scheduled. Our professional lawn mowing services include trimming as well. We will trim around objects, your house, trees, mailbox, and more. We will also edge the sidewalks and driveway and blow any debris and grass clippings away from your property.

Why You Should Choose Us for Lawn Care

Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC has your lawn care needs covered. From lawn mowing to weed eating, edging, blowing, and trimming, we do it all. Whether you’re a home or business owner in Maryland, you can count on our experienced professionals to provide you with premier lawn care services that are customized for your unique needs. We will ensure your lawn is beautiful, healthy, and well care for throughout every season. Choose Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC today.

Providing Premier Landscaping Services in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia