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Keep Your Yard Looking Fresh

Keep your lawn stunning throughout the year with our lawn mowing service. Eastern Grounds Landscaping offers residential and commercial lawn mowing services to Bowie, MD, and the surrounding areas. We customize our landscaping services to ensure your property is beautiful and healthy. Our lawn mowing services bring your lush, green yard to life and keep it fresh. For over 25 years, Eastern Grounds Landscaping has worked with residents in Maryland to boost the look and feel of their property. Contact us today!

Lawn Mowing Services in Bowie, MD

Benefits of a Long-Term Mowing Contract

Eastern Grounds Landscaping offers our mowing services on an on-call basis, but we recommend our exceptional yearly mowing contract. Our lawn mowing contracts provide the convenience of signing up once a year without any service interruptions. You get peace of mind knowing your lawn will always look great. We offer superior customer services if you ever have any questions about your contract.

Our Lawn Mowing Service Approach

Our experienced landscapers follow a systematic approach to lawn maintenance tasks. We consider the specific mowing height for specific turf or grass, use the appropriate tools for the job, and always dispose of grass clippings properly. We have everything from hand-held to power mowers to ensure the best possible job. We’ll never cut your plantings or other flowers. Our knowledgeable lawn mowing team is trained to handle our special equipment and perform mowing tasks to the best of their ability.

How Much Is Lawn Mowing Service?

Our lawn mowing service prices depend on the size of your lawn and our necessary equipment. We’ll work with you to determine the cost of your lawn mowing service. We are proud to offer competitive rates and always put your needs first. We offer long-term mowing contracts to lock in a yearly rate.

Our Comprehensive Landscaping Services

We understand maintaining your outdoor space can be challenging, so we’re here for all your needs. Our landscaping services include:

  • Design– Our team will create a unique, customized plan for your property.
  • Maintenance– We ensure your home looks its best with shrub care, tree care, lawn mowing, fountain and pond maintenance, and more.
  • Irrigation Systems – We install proper irrigation to ensure water moves throughout your property correctly.
  • Mulching – We offer fast and efficient mulching, so you don’t need to get out to do it every year.
  • Snow & Ice Management Our owner is a Certified Snow Professional (CSP) to ensure excellent snow and ice removal during the colder months.

Why Choose Eastern Grounds Landscaping?

Eastern Grounds Landscaping is a proud family-owned and operated full-service landscaping company that is here for your every landscaping need. We’re dedicated to complete customer satisfaction. Our lawn mowing services are just a small part of the puzzle. We offer comprehensive landscaping services, from weekly maintenance to heavy snow removal. We are ASCA-Certified (ASCA-C) and rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau.

Providing Premier Landscaping Services in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia