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Transform Your Home’s Landscaping

Improve the look and feel of your landscape by partnering with the professionals at Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC. For over 25 years, we’ve worked hand-in-hand with residents of Maryland. Our premier residential landscaping services have helped to elevate the beauty and enhance the health of various properties throughout the region. We understand that every residential property is different and has its own set of unique needs. That’s why we customize our services to fit the individual needs of your property. We tailor everything to each customer because we understand that landscaping isn’t one-size-fits-all.

Home Landscaping Services in Bowie, MD

What is Residential Landscaping?

Residential landscaping is anything you can do to make your yard and property both look nicer and add more value to it. People having been landscaping for centuries. Modern trends and styles come and go, while some trusted techniques stay forever. Today, we help you plan, layout, install and maintain all types of features throughout your property. From planting gardens and trees to trimming bushes and laying out hardscaping materials, we’re here for you. There are plenty of options available, and the sky is the limit for what we can do with your space. Whether you’d like to make a dramatic statement or be more conservative with your landscaping, we listen to your need, budget, and create a space that’s perfect for you.

Our Comprehensive Residential Landscaping Services

Maintaining your outdoor space can be time-consuming and even challenging, especially if you don’t have the right equipment. That’s why you should leave the tedious and challenging work to our highly skilled and experienced landscaping specialists in Bowie, MD . Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC is dedicated to providing Maryland residents with the best residential landscaping services in the area. With our unwavering dedication to superior customer service and support, we’ll go above and beyond your expectations while significantly enhancing your residential landscaping. Our premier residential landscaping services include:

Installing Your Landscape

We create a unique, thought-out plan for your landscaping. Our teams of expert installers have years of experience in creating a landscaping plan that looks beautiful and increases your property value.

Maintaining Your Outdoor Space

It’s not enough to simply install your landscaping. We also conduct routine maintenance trips to make sure your home is always looking its best. This includes mowing, fertilization, shrub care, pruning, tree care, fountain and pond maintenance, flower displays, and more.

Installing Proper Irrigation Systems

Proper irrigation doesn’t sound important until you see the ramifications of a poor setup. It’s vital to your property’s looks and value to have correct irrigation to move water correctly through your property.


Yearly mulching is hard work. Let us take care of it for you! Our mulching teams are fast, efficient, and affordable, allowing you to enjoy the many positives of mulch on your property without the back-breaking labor.

Why Do I Need Residential Landscaping?

Residential landscaping not only makes your home look great – it keeps its property value growing as well. Our full-service maintenance and landscaping provide you with an expert touch on all aspects of your property. We fertilize, prune, irrigate, and tend to your grass, shrubs, trees, and flowers, allowing you peace of mind. You get to sit back and enjoy your beautiful space while we help you make sure it’s always at its best. Whether you just need yearly debris cleanup and mowing or are looking for a full install plan, we’re here for you.

Why Choose Eastern Grounds Landscaping?

At Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC, we have the perfect team of professionals to maintain your residential property year-round. We hope that you will spend more time making memories with your friends and family and less time worrying about yard work. We’ll handle everything lawn care, so you don’t have to. From installing a brand-new landscape to weekly mowing, there’s nothing we can’t do. We provide high-quality residential landscape services that are consistent, reliable, and affordable. Our lawn and landscape specialists will provide exceptional lawn care services to your Maryland home. Call Eastern Grounds Landscaping, LLC today to schedule a free estimate.

Providing Premier Landscaping Services in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia